Ruffle Scarves
coffee caramel fishnet and metal turquoise honeycomb

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wearing blue scarfWant to stand out from the crowd? Or help someone else to? Now you can, for under $20. Suitable for all ages and all women. Great for gifts, or for yourself. Why not have a few, to go with everything?

You will receive compliments when wearing a scarf like this, as they attract attention!

Check out the Purchase/Gallery page for the range of colours available - keeping in mnd that the pictures really don't do them justice!! There's a colour/combination to appeal to everyone.

The scarves can be sent around NZ for as little as $5 (non-rural).

These distinctive, hand-knitted ruffle scarves come in two types:
a large, spaced "fishnet" design pattern: and a smaller "honeycomb", tighter pattern:
fishnet pattern honeycomb pattern

The fishnet design is a great accessory for any time of the year, the honeycomb pattern is quite a bit denser/warmer. 

One and Only You

Every single blade of grass,
And every flake of snow –
Is just a wee bit different…
There’s no two alike, you know.
From something small, like grains of sand,
To each gigantic star
All were made with THIS in mind:
To be just what they are!

How foolish then to imitate –
How useless to pretend!
Since each of us comes from a MIND
Whose ideas never end.

There’ll only be just ONE of ME
To show what I can do –
And you should likewise feel very proud,
There’s only ONE of YOU.

That is where it all starts
With you, a wonderful, unlimited human being.

James T. Moore

Sharon Elsworth | Hawke's Bay, New Zealand | ph: +64 6 844 1484 / +64 21 270 4358
Email, click here

Content & Design © 2022 Sharon Elsworth / Abundant Life
Privacy Policy: We will never sell your details to anyone else, we hate spam as much as you do.

Last updated 20Nov22