Massage Therapy for Health and Fitness in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."

Frequently Asked Questions


What if I am sick or injured - can I still attend?

If I'm pregnant, is it ok to receive a therapeutic massage?

Will it hurt?

Which body areas are included in a therapeutic massage?

Where is your clinic?

If your question is not answered on this site, contact Sharon

  • Sharon starts each session with a new client with a comprehensive Client Information Sheet filled out by the client, then discusses with them anything of note and formulates a plan for the session. For a look at the Sheet, click here.


What if I'm sick/injured - can I still attend?

If you are sick or are recently recovering from an illness, your body is fighting to restore your immune system. Depending on where you are on the road to recovery, often a massage can be too much for your body to handle. It depends entirely on the individual - please call Sharon if you are unsure.

Please stay at home if you are infectious. Sharon loves sharing, but not that type!

If you are injured but are still able to lie on the table comfortably, a massage of the muscles distant to the injured area or other body areas entirely, will still be of benefit to you. We generally hold tension in many body areas. Sharon's table can be elevated at the head end, making it into a seat, for those unable to lie down.


If I'm pregnant, is it ok to receive a therapeutic massage?

Generally it's recommended to avoid massage during your 1st trimester, unless you've been receiving regular massage prior to pregnancy and you're well.  During the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you may experience various aches and pains, leg cramps, etc and massage can certainly help with these symptoms.  It is common for women to start to experience low back pain from about week 24-26, as the tummy grows and the pelvis and low back are working hard to maintain as stable a posture as possible.

Sharon positions pregnant women, who are no longer comfortable lying on their fronts, in a comfortable, fully cushioned side-lying position.  

Will it hurt?

Depending on the type of bodywork performed, clients can experience pain/discomfort from time to time. There are often tender spots for those suffering severe or prolonged muscle tension or OOS. In the most severe of cases - where blood-flow has been restricted for an extended period of time - you may experience tenderness and some occasions of throbbing, as blood-flow reaches previously blocked muscles and tissues and nerve impulses. Please do not hesitate to let Sharon know during the massage if you are experiencing any pain. She will set up a pressure scale at the beginning of the massage to ensure she is working at a comfortable level for you.


Which body areas are included in a therapeutic massage?

The bodywork can incorporate work on the arms, legs, buttocks, feet, hands, face, head, neck, shoulders, abdomen, torso and back. This is discussed prior to beginning the massage.

Time restrictions prevent every area being covered but for a 60-minute session, the front and back of the legs and the back could be generally addressed or the back, neck and shoulders could be well covered in the same period of time.

Where is your clinic?

Sharon works Tuesdays to Saturdays from premises shared with
Andrew Parton Orthodontist, Meeanee Midwives and Mole Map at 19 Meeanee Road, Taradale, Napier. Click here for the address on Google Maps.

Clinic premises at 19 Meeanee Road

