Massage Therapy for Health and Fitness in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."

Contact Sharon Elsworth

Contact Sharon Elsworth for a professional, respectful, client-centred, individualised massage, or for an obligation-free chat about your requirements.

Sharon Elsworth

Sharon doesn't have a landline in her clinic so is best contacted via her mobile phone: 021 270 4358
Landline/voicemail is: 06 844 1484
email: click here

Contact Form

Privacy Policy

Sharon will only use your information for the purposes of answering your enquiry.

Your information will not be shared.

Please fill out as many fields as you wish to, providing at least one method of contacting you. Sharon is happy to receive your enquiry by text message.

Sharon will contact you regarding your enquiry as soon as she is able.

First Name:

Last Name:



Daytime Phone:

Evening Phone:

Mobile Phone:

Preferred Contact:

Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
Mobile Phone

Comments, question or message for Sharon: