Massage Therapy for Health and Fitness in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."

[[[[[work in progress]]]]]

Keeping Your Body Happy While Using Technology

Use of technology (and devices/machines to access it) is here to stay and it is a big part of our children’s worlds. There have long been safety messages shared around safe use of the internet, for example – but it appears that little thought has been given to the physical effects on bodies. Sitting for long periods “wrapped up” in the technology, whether it be on a tablet or phone, a laptop or desktop computer, or gaming – asks things of the human body (and mind) that have never been asked of it before. Increasingly, detrimental effects are being observed in our children. The earlier we can start helping them become aware of what they can do to keep their bodies humming along happily, the better chance they have of keeping a good balance in their technology use and, consequently, their health can be positively affected.

Sharon is developing a series of classes for presentation in schools - from primary, to intermediate and on to high school level. There will be introductory evenings for educators, and classes for the children - aimed at an appropriate level for each age group.

Classes for the children will be between 30 and 45min long, with provided notes included, for the students to take home with them.