"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to
move the hearts of men."
Therapeutic massage is commonly defined by massage therapists as "the manipulation of soft tissue by trained therapists for therapeutic purposes". This definition leaves it sounding cold and scientific and, while many of the benefits can be scientifically measured, some are far more complex than that.
Touch is multi-faceted and different for each person. The benefits of receiving qualified, respectful, safe touch should not be under-estimated.
And one cannot touch without simultaneously being touched. So it is mutually rewarding - as therapists, it has been proven that we benefit too.
Sharon has always found a deep pleasure and sense of purpose
in helping others and fully realises the importance of positive touch in one's
life. The thought of aiding people to heal with the placement of
loving, respectful hands is empowering and she excitedly enjoys helping
many people.
Sharon's working and travelling life has exposed her to a wide variety of people, from different countries, careers,
ages and walks of life. As she travelled, from job to job as a
temporary secretary, and from country to country, she became more
successful at recognising the common energy that links and feeds us
all. It is encouraging and inspiring to feel this common link wherever
one goes. Now, after many years of performing massage (since 2000) - on
people from all walks of life, in all health statuses, of all ages and
from all cultures - she fully appreciates how beneficial it is for all.
Sharon has a true love for, and interest in, people - their lives, experiences and journeys. She enjoys hearing and sharing, increasing her well of knowledge, enabling her to increase her capacity for compassion and love for all people.